Join us at the AGM 12 November, 7:30pm at the Chipstead Rugby Club, High Road CR5 3SB
Programme update:
Chairman’s Message 2022
Welcome to the delayed 111th Chipstead Village Flower Show and Fair, which was due way back in July 2020. Sounds like a Southern Rail announcement!
Whilst planning this year’s show in January, we were conscious of the arrival of the Omicron version of Covid, and the uncertainties this would bring. We therefore decided to make sure there is plenty of room for our visitors and participants to move about freely, so that everyone can feel confident and safe.
Consequently, we will put on a slightly reduced show in 2022, whilst retaining many of the class entries, entertainment, stalls and facilities, such as the Bar, B-B-Q and tea tent that have been enjoyed for many years, together with some new entertainment.
This schedule contains all the information on how to enter your items in the classes, and any other information that you may require. However, if you can enter classes on line this would be very helpful. This year there is no charge for entries.
This schedule will be published by Easter, hopefully to allow the planting, modelling, planning of your home produce and production of your entries. We hope they will all be as exciting as usual!
It would be great if you can spare an hour or two on Friday 15th to help us set up, and also on the Saturday to help us with the gate, tea tent, bar, main marquee and elsewhere. Please email me at so that I can allocate you to a friendly task. The show is run solely by volunteers.
Next year’s show is already being planned for 15th July 2023.
Have a great show day with us!
Peter Quiney
February 2022
Chipstead Village Flower Show and Fair AGM 2019
Garden Competition Results 2019
Many thanks to all of you who entered the competition this year. Our judge, David Peterken, commented on what lovely gardens there were, absolutely at their best and not a weed in sight.
To all of you who entered, please do not be disheartened if you were not in the top three. Our judge said that all the gardens were very pleasing to the eye and obviously had a lot of work put into them. The blending of shapes, textures and colours was superb.
For your information the judging each year is done to the RHS standard and all entrants should be very pleased with their efforts.
Congratulations to the winner Lynne Hall, Southern’s Lane, and to the second Maria Hood, Hollymeoak Road and to the third Anita and John White, Coulsdon Lane.
Well done to the other entrants: Andrew Presho, Martin Richardson, Kaye Guest, Caroline Humphries, Tina Brett, Jason Patterson, Geraldine Binstead, David Boulton and Michael Guppy.
We hope you are planning for next year. The Show will be on the 18th July.
Peter Quiney, Chairman